There are photos from VIII. INTERNATIONAL MTB MARATHON KELLY'S MALEVIL CUP 2007 here, which was on the 12 th. of May 2007. There was unfavorable weather on this year´s race but after all there were plenty of competitors there. The beautiful race intersected Czech´s and German´s state frontiers. Photos from Malevil 2006 and photos from Malevil 2005, we already were there as well.


Here are also sorted photos. The most of photos is sorted by number´s competitor, the second big group is under this keyword: nic - nothing (there are all who didn´t have a number or the number was illegible). The next keywords are: poradatele - officials, start - start, pad - fall, had - snake, Malevil, casomira - timekeeping, moto - moto

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